Issues With Turn Limits in Puzzle Games

Originally published March 23, 2020. Time limits in games are a fairly common way to push the player away from degenerative strategies (kiting, farming, camping etc.), and extending it to puzzle games with a move limit seems like it might be beneficial as well. After playing a few games that rely on this concept, however, I find that a soft turn limit (i.e. you’re allowed to continue, like when there’s a displayed par score) is at best a distraction (you could introduce pars to all kinds of puzzle games and they wouldn’t magically get worse) but at worst a crutch for bad and lazy puzzle design. I’ve never been a fan of it, but it was particularly playing TaniNani and Sync 3D that made me realize why. To establish some common ground and goal, the main thing I look for in puzzle games is truth, which is hard to pin down concretely. Jonathan Blow has two lectures on the matter: Designing to Reveal the Nature of the Universe (w/ Marc Ten Bosch) and Truth In Game Design . Esse...