Harry Potter Review

I marathoned the Harry Potter films and liked them more than I expected to, even if there are still some problems. Most I hadn't watched since the last one released in theaters, and it's even longer since I read the books so I can focus on them stand-alone rather than as adaptions. I often hear how people like the worldbuilding but dislike the rest, but I'm more the opposite. The worldbuilding is very lax in areas, implying bad messages and working against some of the themes, while the overarching plot develops really nicely and a lot of characters get a chance to shine, with room for individual movies to focus on different aspects of the setting and characters. I did reviews on Letterboxd as I went along which are all (slightly polished) below, but mainly I'd like to share some thoughts on the series as a whole, starting with a ranking. The Prisoner of Azkaban The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 The Order of the Phoenix The Half-Blood Prince The Cha...