Arcade Games in Simulation Genres

One of my favorite kinds of games are ones that take a genre I have little interest in, buried deep in simulationist convention, and proves there is potential for pure arcade-y mechanical excellence. Stripping away components that only serve to emulate reality, interrogating what purpose they each have for the game's dynamics, and coming out the other end with something that feels like it comes from a completely different time or place. It's similar to the pursuit of minimalism , but more-so the removal of maximalism than trying to minimize the things that actually work into their most basic forms. Note that the examples of genres/games I don't like may not be super accurate because I haven't played them much. I've got some blind spots like RTS that I'd like to work on but if things go according to plan I will never touch FIFA again, so feel free to correct any mischaracterization. Super Monkey Ball vs racing games Racing games are like speedrunning a really ea...